Total Brain Co.,Ltd.



当社は、セールスプロモーション事業、スペースプロデュース事業、総合人材派遣、システム開発事業において個人情報保護の重要性を十分に認識し、 事業の用に供するすべての個人情報を適切に取扱うため、及び、社会保障・税制度に利用する特定個人情報の保護について当社全従業者が遵守すべき行動基準として本個人情報保護方針を定め、 その遵守の徹底を図ることをここに宣言します。本方針は、弊社の全従業員にイントラネット・社内掲示ポスター・社内会議等により周知致します。また、従業員の教育、啓発に努め、個人情報保護に対する意識の高揚を図ります。


  • 事業の内容及び規模を考慮した適切な個人情報の取得、利用及び提供を行います。個人情報の利用目的を明確に定め、この利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えた個人情報の取扱いは行いません。このため、従業員教育等の必要な措置を講じます。
  • 特定個人情報は社会保障・税制度のための目的以外で収集・利用はいたしません。収集する場合は、必ず本人確認を実施し、厳重に保管いたします。
  • 個人情報保護及び特定個人情報に関する法令、国が定める指針及びその他の規範を遵守致します。
  • 個人情報や特定個人情報の漏えい、滅失又はき損の防止及び是正のための措置を講じます。
  • 個人情報や特定個人情報の取扱いに関する苦情及び相談に対しては、迅速かつ適切に対応致します。
  • 個人情報や特定個人情報保護マネジメントシステムの継続的改善を行ないます。

代表取締役:若村 和明


東京都中央区築地3丁目11番6号 築地スクエアビル8階
株式会社トータルブレーン 個人情報保護取扱窓口
管理部 03-6278-7383


個人情報保護管理者:管理部長 伊藤 淳一











会社名 :株式会社トータルブレーン
住 所 :東京都中央区築地3丁目11番6号 築地スクエアビル8階
代表者名:代表取締役 若村 和明
個人情報保護管理者:伊藤 淳一


・ 従業者へ個人情報の取扱いに関する定期的な研修を実施しております。
・ 従業者から秘密保持に関する誓約を得ています。


(4) 技術的安全措置




東京都中央区築地3丁目11番6号 築地スクエアビル8階
個人情報保護管理責任者 伊藤 淳一

Personal Information Protection Basic Policy (Privacy Policy)

We fully recognize the importance of personal information protection in sales promotion business, space production business, temporary staffing business, and system development business and handle all personal information used for these businesses appropriately. We have established this Personal Information Protection Policy as a code of conduct that our employees should follow regarding protecting specific personal information used for social security and tax systems. We declare that we will thoroughly comply with this policy. All employees will know this policy, such as the intranet, in-house posters, and in-house meetings. In addition, we will strive to educate and enlighten our employees and raise their awareness of the protection of personal information.

Basic policy

  • We will acquire, use and provide appropriate personal information considering the content and scale of the business. We will clearly define the purpose of the use of personal data. We will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve this purpose of use. For this reason, we will take necessary measures such as employee training.
  • Specific personal information will not be collected or used for any purpose other than the social security and tax system. When organizing such information, we will always verify your identity and keep as strictly confidential.
  • We comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information protection and specific personal information, guidelines set by the government, and other norms.
  • We prevent and correct the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and specific personal information.
  • We respond promptly and appropriately to complaints and consultations regarding the handling of personal information and specified personal data.
  • We will continuously improve the management system to protect personal information and specific personal information.

Effective date: April 01, 2008
Last updated: April 01, 2022
Total Brain Co., Ltd.
CEO: Kazuaki Wakamura

< Contact for inquiries regarding our privacy policy >

Total Brain Co., Ltd.
Tsukiji Square Bldg. 8F, 3-11-6 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan
Tel: 03-6278-7383

Public information regarding personal information

Total Brain Co., Ltd.
Personal information protection manager: Junichi Ito
Tel: 03-6278-7383

<Publication of purpose of use of personal information>

When we acquire personal data and specific personal information, we will clarify the purpose of use in advance and receive it after obtaining the person's consent.
In addition, when using personal information, we will use it appropriately within the scope of the purpose of use upon consent in advance.

① Purpose of use of personal information acquired directly.

Customer information: To provide products and services
Employee Information: For employment management and benefits
Recruitment applicant information: Recruitment selection, clerical contact, result notification

② Purpose of use of personal data obtained directly by methods other than in writing

The applicants' personal information obtained from recruiting media uses recruitment selection, office contact, and result notification.
Personal information acquired in contract business uses event planning, management business, and secretarial management.

<Matters related to retained personal data>

When requesting such as disclosure of "Retained Personal Data" (to notify the purpose of use, disclosure, correct, add or delete content, discontinue use, erase or discontinue its provision to a third party), we will respond to the request within a reasonable period of time and the scope after confirming that the requestor is the person or a representative.

However, there may be cases in which we cannot comply with your request, such as when special procedures are required by law. We will notify the person of the reason without delay in such cases.

Please contact the Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Desk below for the procedures for requesting disclosure, etc. We will send you the document by mail.

  • Purpose of use of all retained personal data: Please refer to Publication of "Purpose of use of personal information" above.
  • Management of retained personal data
    Total Brain Co., Ltd.
    Tsukiji Square Bldg. 8F, 3-11-6, Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan
    Representative director: Kazuaki Nakamura
    Personal information protection manager: Junichi Ito
  • We establish rules and regulations regarding the handling of personal information based on our understanding of the external environment and have taken the following measures.
    (1) Systematic security control measures
    ・ We establish internal rules regarding handling personal information and carry out self-inspections regularly.
    ・ We periodically conduct internal audits of the handling status of personal information from an impartial standpoint by other departments and outside parties.
    (2) Human-related security control measures
    ・ We provide regular training to employees regarding the handling of personal information.
    ・ We have a confidentiality pledge from our employees.
    (3) Physical security control measures
    ・ We manage entry and exit in areas where personal information handling.
    ・ We handle personal data in lockable storage.
    (4) Technical security measures
    ・ We set the minimum required access authority when handling personal information.
    ・ We manage the network to prevent unauthorized access from outside.
  • Complaints regarding the handling of retained personal data: Please see personal information complaints and consultation counters below

< Contact for inquiry regarding personal information >

We accept the following windows for inquiries, consultations, complaints, disclosure/correction/suspension of use regarding the personal information protection policy and our company’s personal Information protection.

Tsukiji Square Bldg. 8F, 3-11-6 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan
Personal information protection manager: Junichiro Ito
Tell: 03-6278-7383
